mobile Apps

The goal for this app is to allow even the busiest to take time to pray.

Access to all kinds of Orthodox Christian content, podcasts and radio.

The Daily Readings app of the Greek Orthodox Church.

Lives of the saints, icons, troparions and kontakions. Daily Scripture readings. Feasts, fast days

The Encounter offers prayers for the morning, midday and evening for each day of the week. You can read the prayers or listen to them or do both. There are additional prayer resources as well.

The Bible with verse by verse commentary from the church fathers. Catena presents insights on the scripture by early Christian theologians whose faith is the basis of all Christians.
Catena (from Latin meaning “a chain”): brings the faith that was taught by Christ, preached by the Apostles and kept by the fathers. Contains homilies of the early church fathers whose teachings have enlightened our minds and our hearts. Commentaries from the original Church perspective speaks to the deeper experience in the roots of the authentic faith.